Key Pattern Triskele Ring

Key Pattern Triskele Ring

A key pattern is a symmetrically balanced pattern consisting of repeated vertical and horizontal lines.

Most often associated with Greek and Mediterranean patterns of simple wave keys which represent the number two, this ring incorporates a triskele pattern of triple repetitions.  As seen in the Book of Kells and the Book of Lindisfarne, I have also seen it on numerous Pictish stones and Celtic crosses of Scotland and Ireland too.

It represents two which fit and balance together for eternity.

Below is the cover page for the Gospel of St.John from the Book of Dimma (8th cent A.D.) Note the key pattern down the sides columns.

Catalog Info
R114- (5.5mm Wide) – Key Pattern Triskele No Borders
R113-  (9mm Wide) – Key Pattern Triskele No Borders
R778- (10mm Wide) – Key Pattern Triskele with Borders
R776- (7mm Wide) – Key Pattern Triskele with Borders

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