A Maple Leaf signet ring in sterling silver with a 10K gold Maple Leaf coin. The maple leaf Bellchamber uses is based on the Roundel of the Royal Canadian Navy seen on the first supersonic CF-105 jet fighter know as the Avro Arrow. This signet is custom made according to finger size. The roundel is 10K yellow gold and the ring is sterling silver.
The first metal ring ever made was likely a signet ring. Signets can indicate family, heritage, status but above all symbolize a specific meaning.
Before there was even a written language, rulers (who could afford them) property owners and officials likely used a signet ring to show their official family seal on tablets or parchment.
Signets with a Family Crest often incorporate an animal head or symbolic object. Creating a Custom Signet ring or Pedant signifies your Pride, Honor and Loyalty. It also will become a family heirloom that can be passed generation to generation.
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