Stráice Dianne Loveknot Ring

Stráice Dianne Loveknot Ring

The Stráice (Gaelic for straight) Dianne Loveknot is a non-tapering version of our original Dianne Loveknot ring. It represents two souls side by side. Triangular knots are called triskeles, and in Celtic designs represent eternity and good luck.

Standard widths available are:

  • 10mm (R433),
  • 6mm (R434), or
  • 8mm (R435).  Custom widths are available on request.

This design is found on the Chi Rho Page of the Book of Kells.  Look close to the black badger biting a salmon at the base of “Rho” letter. The Dianne Loveknot consists of two triskeles (triangular knots) which come together as one.

It looks fantastic with a stone set in between the triskeles or on its own as a band.

A 1/2 ct purple sapphire bezel set in white gold and with the interlace pierced. This 8mm version looks very elegant.

This his-and-hers set of a tapering Dianne loveknot with a blue sapphire and 8mm Stráice Dianne loveknot with a Padparasha red sapphire. The rings are white and the bezels are yellow gold.

A 1/3 ct green oval sapphire bezel set in white gold and with the interlace pierced. There are 4 x 2pt diamonds set in the interlace



Catalog Info
R433 10mm
R434 6mm
R435 8mm

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