Our client helped us create this memorial ring using our Thistle Flower design and a large inky blue Sapphire. The bezel’s setting was designed to be closed so that a small amount of ashes could be permanently set beneath the gemstone. The Thistle is the flower of Scotland and is considered a rugged and protective symbol.
Thistle Flower Memento Ring
Thistle Flower Memento Ring
Feb 22, 2023 | Sapphire, Family Tree, Oval Cut Gemstone
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Star Rubies will always have red as the primary colour and can range from Pink to red to purple.
Star Ruby Ring with Roses
Star Rubies will always have red as the primary colour and can range from Pink to red to purple.
Star Ruby Ring with Roses
Star Rubies will always have red as the primary colour and can range from Pink to red to purple.